Friday, November 30, 2007


i am so scared and i am running.
i am so scared and i am leaving.

but where?

where am i running to?
where am i leaving for?

i am clueless....
i am so fucking clueless!

i am clueless....
i am so fucking clueless!

why oh why am i so?
why oh why am i so?

i am so confused and i am searching...
i am so confused and i am looking!

but what?

what am i searching for?
what am i looking for?

i am clueless....
i am so fucking clueless!

i am clueless....
i am so fucking clueless!

why oh why am i so?
why oh why am i so?


Unknown said...

we are all searching for something..but a very few of us knw what 'it' is..but y r u so scared?? loosen up a little dude...things will come ur way when u least expect them to

ramer...thoughts on an overdrive!! said...

i feel time is running out.slowly!!

ramer...thoughts on an overdrive!! said...

also why wud i wanna remain confused...cud look for some clarity!!

p.s i am very relaxed guy usually...these stuff are the serious parts of mine!!

a person with mood swings so as to say!!

Unknown said...

yea well i can understand the fact about needing some clarity..i am perptually confused about everything ;) but dont worry i am sure things will work out :D (hopefully)

ramer...thoughts on an overdrive!! said...

my u just set mah heart at ease...[:P]

The Mocking Spirit said...

Poem hun? Whats with the change Ramu! :D

ramer...thoughts on an overdrive!! said...

actually its a song!!