Friday, November 30, 2007

Faith….its seepage!

Recently in a heated discussion from a friend…. I was accused of mah atheistic belief being influenced by somebody.
Now I accept the fact hat many pl opinions and some of mine even are influenced by somebody. But in a way I am proud that the origin of mah thoughts on faith was uninfluenced but inspired! So I am posting this to let every one know the thought process that involved mah awakening!

I guess I was in the 8th or 9th when I had come for mah annual visit to India. We were doing our usual pilmigrages to temples. That entire day I noticed the amount of money we put in the donation boxes…and that was highlighted more when I noticed the amount of ppl begging outside. A simple question entered m mind.

Why don’t we just give the donation money to them!?

This particular thought started an entire train og thoughts on whats the use of depositing money.
I asked..if I believed why we need temples …or why we need to pay a lotta money to pay for all these ppl related to temple!

Soon these questions lead t o me questioning my own faith and how much I did believe in god!. Then I asked the next question that really broke grounds!

Would going to temple when u don’t entirely in agreement with the principles of ones religion being hypocritical?


If I did go with these doubts and belief be actually be doing something against god!!

Well I then asked cud I ask this question with out going against god!!?
Answer was..i cant…the dogma of religion expects blind faith…..
The catch 22 which I wasn’t ready to fall for!!

So as the thoughts progressed… the question slowly led to if there was god…etc etc!!

Till one day I realized …I didn’t anymore believe in god!

I approached m folks with this revelation. Now I have o give credit to them for not freaking out and not try to force the concept down my throat!
The decided to talk to me and try to convince me. I guess they thought I was in a phase and I might move out of it.

Well I didnt..i any thing I read more about it…observed more.. thought more.. became more convinced!! I also later discovered the word atheist describing me.

So mah thoughts on atheism was born with in me thank introduced by any one else….
Later on the I admit cud have been supplemented by other stuff.!

But the original sin of questioning was mine.

And I am proud of that!!

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